54. Removing The Intimidation (And Stress) Out Of Email Marketing with Kaytee Fisher of Moxie & Fourth

Say goodbye to email marketing overwhelm! Learn how this powerful tool can help travel advisors connect with their audience, build trust, and drive sales. Get tips on creating engaging content that provides value to your subscribers, as well as the tools that can remove the stress and make email marketing easier and more effective! With the right strategies in place, email marketing can become an integral part of your business and contribute to your success as a travel advisor.


This episode also celebrates something very exciting! Kaytee Fisher, Tique’s former email marketing guru, announces the launch of Moxie & Fourth, an email marketing service for travel advisors. From OG Tique client to joining the Tique team and now launching her own email marketing business, Kaytee shares her journey over the past five years and how she found her passion in helping travel advisors create effective email campaigns.


About Moxie & Fourth:

Backed by 5 years of personal experience as an advisor and fueled by a commitment to perfectionism, Kaytee deeply understands the marketing challenges faced by travel advisors because she’s been there and done that. Exclusive dedication to travel advisors has allowed Moxie and Fourth to meticulously craft a service suite that caters to even the most niche email marketing needs without unnecessary complexity. In an already intricate industry, there's no reason to make your email marketing anything other than effortless. From project kickoff to wrap up, Moxie and Fourth is committed to providing the essentials for a successful email marketing strategy that you can finally implement with confidence.




The Monthly Newsletter Blueprint: moxieandfourth.com/service-newsletters



Today we will cover:

  •  (01:05) Kaytee’s journey from a travel advisor to Moxie & Fourth
  •  (09:56) Common misconceptions about email marketing
  •  (12:43) Simplifying email marketing with the right tools and strategies
  •  (17:30) Building “know, like, trust” with your audience
  •  (20:20) Fundamental steps to get started with email marketing
  •  (26:30) The impact of consistent branding and quality in newsletters
  •  (31:45) Cost and benefits of using Flowdesk for email marketing
  •  (35:25) Examples of non-salesy content for newsletters
  •  (40:30) Tools for making email marketing easier
  •  (43:00) Details of The Monthly Newsletter Blueprint
  •  (47:35) Common mistakes in email marketing and how to avoid them










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